Sunday, July 10, 2016

SCCM Schedule.log

SCCM has a ton of logs.  Its great to see a product that has put so much effort into verbosity to help with troubleshooting day-to-day tasks.  One such log I believe gets little mention but deserves a bit of a glimpse time and again is the "Schedule.log".

From the image at the top of this article you will see the Site properties page on the Sender tab.  This Sender tab informs us the maximum number of sendings, in this case 25 (not the default).  Now if we dig deeper and look at the "Schedule.log" with some traffic we will see information like below.

In the first screenshot you can see the log showing us the count of jobs it is currently processing but then it goes into more detail to tell us what each job is.  For instance, we can see a Secondary Site upgrade is occurring as well as the distribution of June 2016 Workstation patches to various sites.

In the second screenshot we see even more detail.  This portion shows us the package ID as well as the total size and how much data is remaining to be transferred.  Extremely handy to look at if you believe a site is transferring slower than usual or you think its stuck.  This log refreshes about every 5 minutes so you can always have an up to date view of the status of your package transfers to sites.

Now, combine this detailed view with the "Sender.log" and we have a packet by packet view.  From the screenshot of the log below we can see what folder the content is being sent to on the site.  We can also see the packet size its sending and you'll notice I have two sites on Pulse Mode (which we talked about in a previous article) with a 5 second wait between each send.

Hopefully you'll start showing some respect to "Schedule.log" as it can be very helpful when your looking for a more "under the hood" look to your transfers.  For details on additional logs please check out the Microsoft Technet article here:

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